The Youth Bicyclists of Nevada County (YBONC) Foundation was developed to provide youths in the community an active participation through the sport of cycling, focusing on reducing foreseen obesity and diabetes type illnesses as predicted in the next 20-30 years with today’s youths. Our mission is to establish and facilitate a safe environment for young cyclists, and educate the values of nutrition and healthy lifestyles to help promote wellness. The organization is responsible for establishing goals that will:
Promote the values of the sport of cycling with healthy nutrition decisions for a lifestyle focusing on wellness.
Provide youth cyclist(s) who have the desire to bike, with the mentoring and camaraderie that will help them achieve both competitive and non-competitive biking skills and goals in a safe and enjoyable manner.
Develop an awareness of what it is to be an amateur athlete that is both gracious and respectful to their community.
Create an environment in which they may discover new friendships and find role models.
Guide students towards learning new skills and disciplines, and introduce the foundations of biking for quality of life.
Foster a responsible and positive attitude toward the use of roads, trails and wilderness.
Promote the value of cycling to our community as a mode of transportation and as a life long sport and lifestyle..
This is a non-profit, tax-exempt, organization, to support any youth cyclist(s) or youth cycling team(s) between the ages of 12-26 years old for financial support for the sport of cycling. With schools being introduced to cycling as youth team/club sport this introduces financial needs for mentoring, cycling costs for team, or independent cyclist(s). Monetary distribution is based on Board of Directors approval for supporting biking activities upon receiving a completed grant application. The organization is funded with donations, grants, and fund raiser events.
We believe the sport of cycling will help develop youths to gain knowledge from public speakers, veteran cyclists, parent volunteers, and coaches. From fund raisers, activities, and other functions, youths will learn camaraderie with others, communication skills, nutritional highlights for wellness, technical riding and maintenance skills, organization, safety, and promote the value of biking as a mode of transportation.
If you would like to donate to YBONC, a 501(c)(3) organization, you may use our Paypal account:
If you would like to see our financials, just ask. We are happy to provide them for your review.
Our Bylaws: